Oisín Flynn-Connolly

Welcome to my website. I'm a PhD student in the algebraic topology team at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord where my advisor is Grégory Ginot. From November 2024, I will be a postdoc in Leiden in the research group of Henning Basold. I'm interested in all things topological but especially in higher commutativity and finding new invariants of algebras and topological spaces. I generally prefer such invariants to be readily calculable via effective algorithms. A lot of my research has involved blending the very classical spectral sequence techniques from the 1960s and 70s with the more modern perspective brought by homotopical algebra and the operadic calculus.

How to contact me My office is A307, Institut Galilée. A photo of me can be found here. My email address is oisinflynnconnolly@gmail.com

Keywords: Homotopy, Operads, Massey products, E-infinity algebras


Preprints & Papers

  1. An obstruction theory for strictly commutative algebras in positive characteristic (ArXiv) Submitted Abstract
  2. Higher order Massey products for algebras over algebraic operads (with José M. Moreno-Fernández) (ArXiv) Submitted Abstract
  3. A recognition principle for iterated suspensions as coalgebras over the little cubes operad (with José M. Moreno-Fernández and Felix Wierstra) (ArXiv) Submitted Abstract
  4. Three Schur functors related to pre-Lie algebras (with Vladimir Dotsenko) (journal, ArXiv ) Mathematical Proceedings of Cambridge Philosophical Society Abstract

In preparation

The mathematical content of these articles currently form the final three chapters of my thesis, a draft version may be found below.

  1. A p-adic de Rham complex Abstract
  2. Homotopically, E-infinity algebras do not generalise commutative dg-algebras Abstract
  3. A higher Hochschild-Konstant-Rosenberg Theorem and the Deligne conjecture Abstract

Ongoing projects

  1. Homotopy operations from the little cubes operad (with José M. Moreno-Fernández and Felix Wierstra)


  1. PhD thesis: Higher commutativity in algebra and algebraic topology (pdf), defended 4/10/24 (slides), supervised by Grégory Ginot
  2. Master thesis: The homotopy theory of the little n-discs operad (pdf), defended 17/07/20 (slides), supervised by Felix Wierstra

Talks and notes

Research talks
  1. Strictly commutative algebra in positive characteristic, September 2024, seminar of Université de Lille. Slides
  2. Strictly commutative algebra in positive characteristic, September 2024, seminar of Université de Toulouse. Slides
  3. Higher invariants in homotopy theory, August 2024, 37th Meeting of the Irish Mathematical Society, Belfast. Slides
  4. Strictly commutative algebra in positive characteristic, February 2024, seminar of Seville University Slides
  5. Strictly commutative algebra in positive characteristic, January 2024, seminar of Stockholm University
  6. The geometry of iterated suspensions, November 2023, seminar of Université de Lille
  7. p-adic homotopy theory, November 2023, seminar of Universidad de Malaga
  8. The geometry of iterated suspensions, October 2023, seminar of Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
Poster presentations
  1. Corecognition for iterated suspensions , July 2023, Young Topologist's Meeting, Lausanne. Poster
  2. Corecognition for iterated suspensions, September 2023, 36th Meeting of the Irish Mathematical Society
Popularization talks
  1. Introduction to ∞-categories, November 2022, PhD topology seminar of USPN
  2. Groebner bases and automated theorem proving, April 2024, PhD student seminar of USPN
A complete list of attended conferences and research visits may be found on my Activities page.


  1. Analyse 2, first year, USPN
  2. Algèbre 6, third year, USPN
  1. Trinity Access Program - Maths for STEM component, first year, Trinity College Dublin